January 12, 2010

how to add prefix xml node in serialization

ML namespaces provide a method for qualifying the names of XML elements and XML attributes in XML documents to ensure that those names are unique in time and place. Recall that a qualified XML name consists of a prefix and a local name separated by a colon - XYZ:ABC. The prefix XYZ serves only as a placeholder, i.e., an alias, as it is mapped to a URI that specifies a namespace.

XML namespaces are contained by instances of XmlSerializerNamespaces class. To create fully qualified names in an XML document:

  1. Create an instance of XmlSerializerNamespaces class and add the required (prefix, namespace) pairs.
  2. Apply the appropriate XML serialization attributes and at the same time setting the Namespace property of each such attribute to one of the namespaces specified in step 1.
  3. Pass the XmlSerializerNamespaces instance to XmlSerializer.Serialize() method.

The following example illustrates:

namespace XMLNamespaceSerialization
public class Price
// Serialize the currency field as an attribute with the given namspace
[XmlAttribute( Namespace ="www.diranieh.com")]
public string currency;

// Serialize the price field as an attribute with the given namspace
[XmlAttribute( Namespace ="www.diranieh.com")]
public decimal price;

public class Book
// Serialize the title field as an element with the given namspace
[XmlElement( Namespace = "www.diranieh.com") ]
public string Title;

// Serialize the price field as an element with the given namspace
[XmlElement( Namespace = "www.diranieh.com") ]
public Price price;

public class Books
// Serilize the alBooks filed with the given namespace
[XmlElement(typeof(Book), Namespace = "www.diranieh.com")]
public ArrayList alBooks = new ArrayList();

private void btnNamespaces_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
/* Create a collection of books */

// Book1
XMLNamespaceSerialization.Book book1 = new XMLNamespaceSerialization.Book();
XMLNamespaceSerialization.Price price1 = new XMLNamespaceSerialization.Price();
price1.currency = "USD";
price1.price = 49.99M; // M suffix for decimal literals
book1.Title = "Advanced .NET";
book1.price = price1;

// Book2
XMLNamespaceSerialization.Book book2 = new XMLNamespaceSerialization.Book();
XMLNamespaceSerialization.Price price2 = new XMLNamespaceSerialization.Price();
price2.currency = "GBP";
price2.price = 39.99M; // M suffix for decimal literals
book2.Title = "Advanced C#";
book2.price = price2;

// Add books to collection
XMLNamespaceSerialization.Books books = new XMLNamespaceSerialization.Books();
books.alBooks.Add( book1 );
books.alBooks.Add( book2 );

/* Create XML namespace pairs */
XmlSerializerNamespaces namespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
namespaces.Add( "YD", "www.diranieh.com" );

/* Serialize to file */
Stream stream = new FileStream( "Namespaces.xml", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write );
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof( XMLNamespaceSerialization.Books ) );
serializer.Serialize( stream, books, namespaces );

Output from the previous code is shown below:

<YD:Title>Advanced .NET

<YD:price currency="USD" price="49.99" />
<YD:Title>Advanced C#
<YD:price currency="GBP" price="39.99" />

Ref: http://www.diranieh.com/NETSerialization/XMLSerialization.htm

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